The Visitation Order of Holy Mary celebrates the 350th anniversary of the apparitions of the Sacred Heart to St Margaret Mary, December 2023-June 2025!

Bishop, Mgr Benoît Rivière of Auton has decreed a Great Jubilee for commemorate the 350th anniversary of the apparitions of the Heart of Jesus to Saint Marguerite-Marie in Paray-leMonial.
The theme of this Jubilee is “Giving back love for love”.
For more information: The Sacred Heart | Brooklyn Visitation Monastery
Video Coverage of Pray to Love Art Show
Minutes 3-4:05
Currents News Update for Wednesday 3/15/23 – YouTube
Pope Francis Issues Apostolic Letter on St Francis de Sales
The Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary was founded in 1610 by St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal in Annecy, France, “to give to God daughters of prayer, and souls so interior that they may be found worthy to serve His infinite Majesty and to adore Him in spirit and in truth.”
Our Monastery of Brooklyn was founded in 1855, as fruit of a Novena made by our Visitation Sisters in our Baltimore Monastery. These Sisters had agreed that Novenas are always made for special intentions: why not just make one simply for the “Pure Glory of God”?! A few days after starting this Novena, the Bishop of Brooklyn appeared at the door with the Archbishop of Baltimore, requesting a Visitation Monastery in his diocese. It was evident to these sisters that God desired a Monastery in Brooklyn to give Him “pure Glory.” This desire to do all things for the pure Glory of God continues in each of us, thus, the words “For the Glory of God” appear on our website! It reflects our past, our future, and our present.
In the spirit of our motto “Live Jesus,” we strive to imitate the Hearts of Jesus and Mary in humility and gentleness. Flowing from the mystery of the Visitation, (Luke 1:39-46) we model Our Blessed Mother’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth. In prayerful attentiveness to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit, we carry the presence of Jesus to each other in the unfolding events of each day. ‘Living Jesus’ is allowing Him to continue His Life in us; it is living entirely for God, it is union with Him.
Have you ever wondered what monastic life is like?!? Come for a weekend retreat! You can do this by calling our Monastery and speaking to the Retreat Directress.
Remembering the Year of Consecrated Life: Facebook