May God Let His Face Shine Upon Us

The Heat of the Summer Sun

In the sweltering heat of the summer, it is easy to reflect on Jesus as the Light of God’s Infinite Love, the Sun of the Universe. We know that the rays of the sun do not become defiled or diminished based upon what they shine.  They are pure and equally distributed to everything that falls within their light ~ the mountains and the ocean, the countryside and the city.  And these natural rays do more than just give heat: before modern appliances, washed clothes were hung on clothes lines not merely as a means of drying them but also to whiten them naturally by the rays of the sun.  Everything caught in the sun’s glimmer sparkles; even dust, when caught in the rays of sunlight, can appear to glisten like tiny gems.  Likewise, the Sacred Heart of Jesus continually pours forth His Light and Warmth, shining on all, the good and the bad alike.  We, too, can glow and become purified by turning toward the Sun (the Son) and remaining in His Love.  So on those days when we are feeling the intense heat of the summer sun, and all of our best efforts seem to turn into dust, let us sit before the Son in Adoration ~ or in the Tabernacle ~ and let His Radiance whiten us so that we may ‘sparkle’ with His Love.

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