Jubilee Year for Visitation Opens On St. Margaret Mary’s Feast


On May 13, 2020 we will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the canonization of Saint Margaret Mary,
known for her devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the 12 Promises
Upon the request by the leadership of the Visitation Monasteries located around the world, the Apostolic Penitentiary of Rome, has granted the grace of a Jubilee Year for all the monasteries for the Order of the Visitation who would like to live it. Please note – Brooklyn Visitation Monastery will live it!
The Jubilee Year opens on October 16, 2019 and will close on October 17, 2020.
The grace of a plenary indulgence is granted to all those who pass through the doors of a Visitation monastery chapels:
● With the usual conditions:
– To be in a state of grace;
– To go to Confession and to receive Holy Communion within 20 days preceding or following and;
– To pray for the intentions of the Holy Father

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Sept 24- Brooklyn Visitation Monastery’s 164th Anniversary!

Sept 24 marks 164 years for Visitation Monastery in Brooklyn!

Founded in 1855, the Monastery was located in downtown Brooklyn until 1903, when we moved to Bay Ridge.

Celebrate Mass with us today at 8AM!

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Join us!

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Jubilee Year for Visitation Monastery!

A Jubilee Year for the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary has been announced as opening October 16 2019 and ending October 17, 2020!

This is the year we celebrate the centenary of the canonization of Saint Margaret Mary, the Apostle of Jesus’ Sacred Heart.

On May 13, 2020 we will rejoice over the 100th anniversary of the official declaration of her sanctity.

The grace of a plenary indulgence will be granted to all those who walk through the doors of the Chapel of any of our Visitation Monasteries throughout the world.

Look for more news of celebratory events to follow!

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Homily for St Jane de Chantal’s Feast August 12th

You are welcome to attend our 8AM Mass Monday August 12 as we celebrate the Feast of our Foundress, St. Jane de Chantal.

This homily comes straight from France, where our Saint was born.



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Come Join us to Celebrate a 70th Jubilee of Profession!

Sr. Joseph Marie VHM will renew her Holy Vows on August 15, 2019 at the 8AM Mass, Solemnity of the Assumption of our Blessed Mother.

Please join us and welcome the graces of a 70th Jubilee of Holy Profession!

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Latin Mass October 3, 2019

Our next Liturgy in Latin will be Thursday October 3, 2019 at 7PM.

Please join us!

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If you would like to make a retreat at Visitation Monastery, please first send us a reference from your parish priest or spiritual director.

Call to schedule and then please arrive between 10AM and 7PM.

Thank you!

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Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Visitation Order was instrumental, through its St. Margaret Mary, in establishing this Feast. But long before her entrance into the monastery of Paray le Monial, our Holy Founders were already inspired to realize the essential call of the Visitation to the Sacred Heart.

In fact, the Visitation Order has been called  the sanctuary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Prior to the revelations to St. Margaret Mary, the founders of the Visitation, St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal, realized through inspiration that the Sacred Heart of Jesus was integral to the foundation of this new congregation.

“At the moment of Mme. de Chantal’s departure for Annecy to begin the foundation of the Institute, St. Francis de Sales wrote her a line to animate her courage : ” My advice, my daughter, is, that henceforth we live no more in ourselves, but that in heart, intention, and confidence we lodge forever in the pierced side of the Savior.”

And to his daughters gathered around him in those first sweet moments of the little ” Gallery House” he says : ” The other day, considering in prayer the open side of our Saviour, and gazing upon His Heart, I seemed to see all our hearts around His, doing Him homage as the Sovereign King of hearts.”

Thus we behold the image under which St. Francis loved to represent to himself his little congregation, his daughters lodged in the Heart of Jesus, or their hearts surrounding and rendering homage to the Heart of Jesus.”

(Bishop Bougaud: The Life of St Margaret Mary)

The co-foundress of the Order of the Visitation, St. Jane de Chantal, was a “Daughter of the Heart of Jesus”. And she counselled her own spiritual daughters, the first members of the Institute, in this way: ” If the Sisters of the Visitation are very humble and faithful to God, they shall have the Heart of Jesus for a dwelling and sojourn in this world.”

This “dwelling” would set the pattern for the prayer life of a Visitandine. St. Jane de Chantal explained how St. Francis de Sales understood this. ” Our blessed Father,who understood excellently well all sorts of prayer, has always approved of this [the prayer of simple regard]. He said that, whilst others ate diverse viands at the Lord’s table, we ought to rest our soul and all our affections on His loving breast.”

And finally, one of St. Jane’s meditations stated,

” Consider that the sweet Savior not only showed His love for us, as well as for all other Christians, by the work of our redemption; but that He obliges us especially, as daughters of the Visitation, by the gift and favor that He has made to our Order and to each of us in particular of His Heart, or rather of the virtues it contains, since He has founded our most lovely Institute on these two precepts: Learn of Me that I am meek and humble of heart. This is the portion of His treasures that has fallen to us. Having given to other Orders, to one eminent prayer, to another solitude, to another austerity, He bequeathed to us what, undoubtedly, He esteemed more dear, since His precious Heart is its depository. Ah, could we but have this satisfaction, could we learn and practise well the lesson that this loving Savior gives us, we should then be honored in bearing the title of ‘Daughters of the Heart of Jesus’ ”

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Corpus Christi Procession June 23

The Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) falls on Sunday June 23, 2019.

Visitation Monastery is within the precincts of St. Patrick’s Parish on 4th Ave and 95th St. The Parish will hold their annual Corpus Christi Procession after the 1230PM Mass on Sunday June 23rd, and the final stop will be the Sacred Heart Chapel at Visitation Monastery, just around 2PM.

All welcome to come and join us for Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at Visitation!

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