Reporter Michelle Powers visited Visitation Monastery to uncover different aspects of this unique monastic environment within Brooklyn’s Bay Ridge neighborhood!
Reporter Michelle Powers visited Visitation Monastery to uncover different aspects of this unique monastic environment within Brooklyn’s Bay Ridge neighborhood!
A unique event will take place on Monday August 21st, 2017 at 730PM at Visitation Monastery (no, not the eclipse!)
On that day the Visitation Sisters will celebrate the 450th Birthday of our Founder, St. Francis de Sales! He was also Bishop of Geneva, proclaimed a Doctor of the Church, and authored the books “Introduction to the Devout Life” and “Treatise on the Love of God” as well as many letters and other writings.
Reverend Stephen Saffron will celebrate a Traditional Latin Mass at Visitation Monastery at 730PM on August 21st as we honor St. Francis de Sales with the Liturgy he so respected and for which he wrote many meditations to accompany each part of this historical Liturgy.
After the Liturgy we invite the Congregation to select the works of St. Francis de Sales that will be provided free of charge and take them home to read.
Please come and honor our beloved Founder and great Saint of our Church!
The Brooklyn Diocese has declared a Year of Vocations beginning August 4, 2017.
Our Visitation Monastery welcomes any woman or man discerning a vocation to join us every Sunday from 4PM-530PM for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, The Rosary and Evening Prayer.
We also invite any other persons who wish to pray with us in our Sacred Heart Chapel to join us at that time.
May Jesus grant you insight into His Will for your life!
The Visitation Superior of Paray-le-Monial commissioned this short film with a well known French Filmmaker who is devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. English subtitles. about 9 Minutes long.
The annual Sacred Heart Novena will be held at Visitation Monastery, Bay Ridge from Thursday June 15 through Friday June 23rd at 730PM each evening.
From May 14-20, 2017 a group of international Visitandines met in Annecy, France at the Visitation Monastery with their Assistant General to plan for a General Assembly in September 2017.
Rev. Stephen Saffron, Visitation Sisters and the faithful filled the Sacred heart Chapel on May 13th on Our Lady’s Centennial Fatima Feast. Read about it here in Brooklyn’s Tablet:
Brooklyn Diocese’s Net TV visited Visitation Monastery for an interview about the community’s Shrine to Our Lady of Fatima