Scenes from our 160th Anniversary Celebration!

IMG_1716SrSynthia Helena&8th graders12038160_10153656170658044_3039649305732439766_n

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Sisters Pray with Pope Francis at St. Patrick’s Cathedral

Last night, 6 Brooklyn Visitandines made the subway trek into Manhattan to pray with Pope Francis.


Sr. Synthia Helena, Visitandine, with three Sisters of the Congregation, Lovers of the Holy Cross, at St. Patrick’s.


What a blessing and a joy!

We will reflect on this glorious experience and share our thoughts.

Look for the Visitandines in the crowd!!

Remember tomorrow, Sat Sept 26 you are invited to join us for a Mass at 130PM celebrating our 160th Anniversary!!

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160th Anniversary Celebration Sept 26 for Discerners!


SH windowThe Visitation Monastery of Brooklyn will be celebrating its 160th anniversary of foundation in the Diocese of Brooklyn with a 130PM Mass on Saturday September 26th.

If YOU Have ever considered a religious vocation- or know someone who has…

Come to share  an afternoon of Consecrated Life with us!

Mass at 130PM

Refreshments and a Talk

Tour of Monastery

Sharing and Evening Prayer

Be a part of our Future! Open the Gift of your Religious Vocation!

If you are interested e mail us at

(No accommodations for overnight guests- local discerners preferred this time!)


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Memorial Mass for Sr Marie de Chantal Sept 12

A Memorial Mass  for Sr. Marie de Chantal Mannino VHM will celebrated at Visitation Monastery’s Sacred Heart Chapel Saturday, September 12th at 1PM. Msgr. Joseph Nugent will be the celebrant.

If you plan to attend, or if a priest, concelebrate, please e mail the Sisters at or call 718 745 4452.

Sister Marie de Chantal was a devoted member of our community for 35 years and served in many capacities both in Visitation Academy and the Monastery.

In 2013 she was selected to begin a new project at our Georgetown Visitation Monastery, the Gallery Community for young vocations.

God called her home to himself on June 13, 2015 and her funeral Mass was held in Georgetown, DC. For her friends and family here in Brooklyn, N.Y. we offer this Memorial Mass as we celebrate the religious life of Sr. Marie de Chantal.

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Discerning your Vocation with Us- Steps to Take

Perhaps you are a woman of middle years who has considered the possibility of a Visitation Vocation. Maybe you are younger.

You may have made a retreat in our Monastery, or seen our website. Perhaps you saw one of our Sisters on EWTN.

20140517_190440_4In any case, how do you proceed to discover if you have a vocation to the Brooklyn Visitation Monastery?

First, call us, or e- mail us! We’d be happy to talk with you, or correspond.

Second, pray to find a good spiritual director, if you are not yet speaking with one. A Director is the most essential guide to your vocational discernment, even more than we are at first, because objectivity is most necessary as you glean the Holy Spirit’s workings in your soul. You will need to meet  monthly for 6 months so the Director  can confirm to you and us that you have a good probability of a cloistered , monastic religious vocation.

If you want to make a retreat with us, we will set one up- for first-timers it will be a PRIVATE retreat, not a discernment one. Please provide a reference from a priest, Sister or spiritual director for the first retreat.

After that you may begin discernment retreats, after an interview with the Vocation Directress.

Meeting monthly with your director for 6 months and making as many retreats as possible in that time frame, given your geographic location, should give you a sound sense of the spirituality and daily life of our community and it will give us a sense of your possible vocation.

After 6 months, if your spiritual director sees good signs of a possible vocation, the director can send us a vocational reference letter stating this strong possibility.

At this time, there will be paperwork to prepare: such as an application form, spiritual autobiography, health form, obtaining of sacramental certificates, and statements of your financial freedom from debt.

The community will have been praying for you during this entire process, and based on each individual’s situation, we can prepare to set an entrance date after this point.

SH windowMay Jesus guide your heart to His as you discern your Visitation vocation!

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Monastery Employee Featured in Diocesan Paper

The heart-warming story of Zaida our employee continues in the Brooklyn Diocesan paper, The Tablet.

She donated her kidney to her husband and evidences a profound faith in God.

Read about this Brooklyn family here:


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Sr. Ana Maria Renews Vows

Our Temporary Professed Sister Ana Maria will renew her holy vows during the 9AM Sunday Mass on July 26, 2015. You are welcome to join us for the Liturgy.


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The Gift of Life

The deep faith and trust in God that we could all have was profoundly demonstrated by our dear Monastery employee, Zaida, when on July 2, 2015, she gave one of her kidneys to her husband to save his life.

Meet Zaida, Jose and their teenagers in this blessed interview on our Diocesan Net TV.


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Our Sisters

BrooklynVisitationSisters2015AGoetzeIMG_7570From left to right: Mother Susan Marie, Sr. Synthia Helena, Sr. Mary, Sr. Mary Cecilia, Sr. Mary Pauline, Sr. Joseph Marie, Sr. Rose Veronica, Sr. Mary de Sales, Sr. Anne Madeleine, Sr. Gail Trinite, Front: Sr. Anne Marie

Not pictured: Sr. Mary Antonia, Sr. Piedad, Sr. Dolores, Sr. Rosemarie


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Come Join Us!

Our dear Sr Marie de Chantal Mannino, (pictured on the left)formerly of our Brooklyn Monastery for 35 years, went home to God on Saturday June 13, Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and also St Anthony.

Sister had been serving in our new Gallery Community in our Georgetown Monastery at the time of her passing.

The wake or viewing will take place Thursday June 18 in the afternoon and evening at Georgetown Monastery with the Funeral mass to be celebrated Friday June 19 at 10AM also in Georgetown.

A Memorial Mass will be held in Brooklyn in the near future.


Please pray for Sister’s peaceful repose.


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