Sacred Heart Novena at Visitation Begins June 4, 2015

New ImageThe Annual Sacred Heart Novena will begin on  Thursday June 4, 2015 at 730PM Mass and will continue every night at 730PM through the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,  Friday June 12, 2015.

Our Celebrants will be:

Thursday June 4th-Rev. Stephen Saffron-

Friday June 5- Fr. Felix Herrera

Sat. June 6- Rev. Stephen Saffron

Sun. June 7- Rev. Michael Perry

Monday June 8- Rev. Msgr. John Bennett

Tuesday June 9- Rev. Msgr. Kevin Noone

Wed June 10- Rev. Msgr. Andrew Vaccari

Thursday June 11- Rev. Richard Bretone

Friday June 12- Rev. Joseph Gibino (Feast of the Sacred Heart)

Please join us!



Posted in Guard of Honor, Monastery Events, Monastery News, Salesian Feast Days, Salesian Spirituality, Vocations | 1 Comment

Brooklyn Tablet and NET TV Cover Visitation Art Exhibit

Great coverage in the Brooklyn Tablet! And great video on Net TV!

Read about and watch  the Annecy Nun Art Exhibit and then come on over to see it for yourself! Only 2 days left- Tuesday and Wednesday.

Join us! Mother Susan Marie, Arlene Figaro, Anne Goetze

Video online:


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Pray to Love ART Exhibit Opens Wed May 13

You won’t be disappointed in this absolutely transforming art exhibit on the Visitation Sisters and city of Annecy!

Weekdays: 12-3PM

Sat and Sun 10A-5PM

Alumnae Room at Visitation Monastery/ Academy 8902 Ridge Blvd Brooklyn NY

The Brooklyn Tablet article about the exhibit is here:


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You are Invited to a Religious Art Exhibit at Visitation

11150854_10153259496438044_5312685076548232439_nAs a way of celebrating the Year of Consecrated Life, we are so happy to announce that “Pray to Love” The Annecy France Nun Series by artist Anne Goetze will be coming to Bay Ridge’s Visitation Academy and Monastery, May 13-20th, 2015, from 12 Noon-3PM.

Artist Ms. Anne Goetze has a special interest in the Order as her aunt was a member of the Annecy Visitation Community.

You will have an opportunity to meet the artist and enjoy the spiritual and natural beauty of her paintings.

Sisters30x40AnnecyNunSeriesAnneGoetzeA short documentary on Anne Goetze’s Annecy work is available here:

Join the Brooklyn Visitation Sisters and the Visitation Academy Administration and Staff in welcoming Ms. Anne Goetze and her unique artwork to Brooklyn!


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Visitation Sisters “Wake UP the World”

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Blessed Easter!


Agnus-Dei-214x300“The death and passion of our Lord is the sweetest and the most compelling motive that can animate our hearts in this mortal life…The children of the cross glory in this, their wondrous paradox which many do not understand: out of death, which devours all things, has come the food of our consolation. Out of death, strong above all things, has issued the all-sweet honey of our love.” (Treatise on the Love of God, Book 12, Chapter 13)This paradox, indeed, is the central mystery of our faith. Jesus, allowing himself to be consumed with passion and swallowed by death has, in turn, conquered death once and for all with the passion that is the power of righteousness leading to eternal life.Christ’s pathway of passion, death and resurrection was personal and unique. It had been fashioned by the Father from all eternity. Jesus was faithful to God’s vision for him. Jesus embraced his vocation as the humble, gentle Messiah. Jesus suffered the pain of death. Jesus experienced the power of rising again.God also has fashioned a personal path for each of us from all eternity. Each of us has a unique role to play in the Father’s never-ending revelation of divine life, love, justice, peace and reconciliation. Still, the way to resurrection is the way of the cross – the way of giving up, of letting go, of surrendering all things, thoughts, attitudes and actions that prevent us from embodying the passion of Christ – the passion for all that is righteous and true.Francis de Sales offers this image in Book 9 of his Treatise on the Love of God:“God commanded the prophet Isaiah to strip himself completely naked. The prophet did this, and went about and preached in this way for three whole days (or, as some say, for three whole years). Then, when the time set for him by God had passed, he put his clothes back on again. So, too, we must strip ourselves of all affections, little and great, and make a frequent examination of our heart to see if it is truly ready to divest itself of all its garments, as Isaiah did. Then, at the proper time we must take up again the affections suitable to the service of charity, so that we may die naked on the cross with our divine Savior and afterwards rise again with him as new people.”

Be certain of one thing – the daily dying to self that is part of living a passionate life is not about dying, stripping and letting go for its own sake. The goal is that we be purified to live more faithful and effective lives of divine passion. God does not desire that we die to self out of self-deprecation. No, God desires that we die to self in order that, ironically, we may become more of the person God calls us to be.

“Love is as strong as death to enable us to forsake all things”, wrote St. Francis de Sales. “It is as magnificent as the resurrection to adorn us with glory and honor”.

This glory and honor is not just reserved for heaven. To the extent that we die a little each day and experience the fidelity of God’s love in the midst of all adversity, trials, struggles and “letting go” – something of these gifts can be ours even here on earth.

FR Michael Murray OSFS

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Holy Week Triduum

BellTowerSchedule for Mass and services:

Holy Thursday April 2, 2015 Mass at 730PM

Good Friday     April 3, 2015 Service at 3PM

Holy Saturday Vigil April 4, 2015 Mass at 7:30PM

Celebrant: Rev. Gerard Knapp CssR

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Lenten Visitors

BLessed MotherThe Visitation Salesian Network Meeting will be held next week March 2 at Visitation Academy and Monastery.

We welcome our colleagues from around the country: Georgetown Visitation, Mendota Heights Visitation, St. Louis Visitation and Frederick Visitation, to Bay Ridge Brooklyn!

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cross1Ash Wednesday begins this week, February 18th.

Ashes will be distributed in our Monastery’s Sacred Heart Chapel during the 8AM Mass, ONLY.

Please attend Mass to begin your Lenten season well.

The Sisters


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Sun Feb 8th Consecrated Life Litany at Monastery

photo (2)Today, from 4-5:30PM, you are invited to join the Visitation Sisters at our Bay Ridge Sacred Heart Chapel, for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, The Litany of Consecrated Life, and Evening Prayer.

Please enter through the SIDE DOOR of the Chapel.


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