An Invitation!


This year of Consecrated Life is a very special one in the life of our universal Church and in our Diocese.

BellTowerThat’s why we are extending an invitation to ALL to become more acquainted with our Visitation Monastery.

We will celebrate 160 years in Brooklyn in September, but we suspect very few of the faithful and many others do not even know of our existence.

So, we invite…

PASTORS AND PRIESTS to consider celebrating a FIRST FRIDAY MASS with us, at 9AM or 730PM (St. Margaret Mary was a Visitation Sister who responded to Jesus’ call to institute First Friday’s of reparation!)


AND inform your women parishioners they make make a PRIVATE RETREAT here at the Monastery with the Sisters

Let your youth and children visit the Monastery on a pre-arranged visit

Apostolic Sisters also to make retreats

Faithful- come to learn more of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at the 730PM First Friday Mass, and about the Guard of Honor of the Sacred Heart.




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Like the rest of the northeast and mid Atlantic areas, New York City and its Brooklyn borough has been submerged to some extent under snow.

Snow_on_our_Monastery_Grounds_!And so has Visitation Monastery in Bay Ridge!

Our prayer lives go on within the enclosure as usual, except that a Communion Service had to be held in place of Holy Mass as the priest was unable to travel to the Monastery.

Perhaps this afternoon we will have recreational sledding!

Posted in Liturgical Seasons, Monastery Events, Ordinary Time | Leave a comment

Consecrated Life and St. Francis de Sales

The Feast of St. Francis de Sales is approaching..on Saturday January 24th and our Church has also begun to celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life.

As a preparation for St. Francis de Sales’ Feast, we thought it might be good to consider his perspectives on religious and consecrated life.

This short series will focus on such topics he wrote about, such as:

Abraham as the Model of Religious

Aim in entering religious life

Common life

Community spirit

Consolations in religious life

Courage to persevere in religious life

Self-denial, desire for virtue

Esteem for Vocation

Life of union with God

May these topics deepen your contemplation of and prayer for religious life and those consecrated to living for the Lord completely.

Today with start with ABRAHAM:

Consider, I beg of you, that great pattern and model of perfect religious St. Abraham; see how God treats him, “Go forth out of thy country and from thy kindred, and out of thy father’s house, and come into the land which I shall show thee.”  What sayest Thou, O Lord, that I am to go out of the town? But tell me then whether I should go to the East or to the West? He makes no reply: he sets out quickly and goes where the Spirit of God leads him, to a mountain which has since been called “The Vision of God:” inasmuch as he received great and signal graces on that mountain, to show how agreeable to God is promptitude in obedience.

Source: Spiritual Conferences, Chapter 3

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Rest In Peace

Our beloved Sister Mary Vincent Morgan went home to God early in the morning of Jan 7.

Viewing/wake will be held Friday Jan 9th. Funeral Mass will be Sat Jan 10 at 9:45AM in the Monastery’s Sacred Heart Chapel.


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Blessings of the New Year

The Visitation Sisters in Bay Ridge wish all our neighbors and all web viewers a very Blessed New Year in Our Lord.

St. Jane de Chantal has said, ”

We are at the end of another year. Soon, this present year will take its place among so many others that have come before it.

Time passes, the years come and go, and we come and go with them. Nevertheless, we must make a strong and absolute resolution that, if our Lord wills that we might enjoy this coming year, we will make a better use of this New Year than the many that have preceded it.

Let us walk with a new and lively spring in our step in the service of God and one another. Let us renew our efforts to grow in our perfection. Let us take great courage to earnestly labor and master ourselves, and to purify ourselves of those things which prevent us from being more of who God calls us to be.

It is easy to begin a New Year: it is not so easy to see it to completion. It is not so easy to put our hands to the work that God expects of us during every day of this approaching year. To begin the year without planning to tend to our labors is to run the risk of allowing yet another year to slip away without any profit to our soul. Don’t let this happen to you; rather, consider how well you are making use of each and every present moment that God gives you.

We are growing older and drawing nearer to death every day. Our days, months and years flow on, ultimately coming to an end. How should we respond to this reality?  By doing all that is good and by hoping in the Lord! Let us embrace our state and stage of life as fully as we can. Let us employ the time that God gives us with great care. While we ultimately must depend and rely upon God’s mercy, let us at the same time remember to do as much good as we can in the time that God gives us now.

So, let us begin another New Year in the name of our Lord. Let us resolve to do the best we can with what ever little we possess. While God wants only what we can do, God clearly expects us to do what we can. Therefore, let us be careful to give what – in justice – is due to God and to one another. Let us do what is good, and place our hope and confidence in God’s infinite compassion.

(Based upon an exhortation by St. Jane de Chantal given on the last Saturday of December, 1629. See the original and entire text in St. Jane Frances Fremyot de Chantal: Her Exhortations, Conferences and Instructions. Westminster, MD: Newman Bookshop, 1947, page 106.)

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Christmas Schedule

christmasYou are welcome to join us for our Christmas Liturgies:

Christmas Eve- 730PM Mass in our Sacred Heart Chapel

Christmas Day- 9:00AM Mass in our Sacred Heart Chapel

Celebrant: Father Frank Jones, CssR

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Joining in Prayer- Year of Consecrated Life

The Year of Consecrated Life has begun!

SrAM-Discernment-Pg-scaled-300x225We welcome you to join the Sisters to pray for vocations every Sunday between 4-5:30PM in the Sacred Heart Chapel.

Prayer will include Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary and Evening Prayer.

Join us in “Waking Up the World” to Jesus’ Real Presence, Prayer and the call to Religious Life!

Posted in Advent, Monastery Events, Vocations | 1 Comment

Sisters Renew Vows on Feast of the Presentation

On Friday, November 21st, the glorious Feast of the Presentation of Our Lady, Visitandines around the world will renew their holy vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. In Brooklyn, we will renew our vows during the 7:15AM Mass.

As the Oblate Father Alexander Pocetto OSFS put it, “By renewing our vows, we become more aware of how essential it is, with the help of Jesus, to cleanse the temples or our bodies so as to give fitting worship and praise to God. It is a strong reminder that commitment and fidelity are values that are meant to last..”

“Francis de Sales insists that perfection consists in struggling against our imperfections. As long as we are willing to continue fighting, then we will be victorious; we will be winners. In his sermon on the Presentation of our Lady, he gives a word of encouragement to those early Visitandines and to us on this occasion. “For this custom of renewing our vows,” he says, “can repair any faults we may have committed when we first made them” (Sermons on Our Lady, p. 43).

Read Father Pocetto’s article ” T0 Make Beautiful Music Together” and grow in your appreciation of this blessed tradition.

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Brooklyn Visitation Sister Featured on Vocation Poster/Video

See if you can find our Sister!



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Sister Anne Marie Featured in Book

Brooklyn Visitation Monastery’s Sister Anne Marie Young, VHM, was interviewed and included in Patrick McNamara’s book on New York Catholics, pages 178-180.

In the section of the book called “Contemporary Voices” Sister Anne Marie, who has been in the Monastery the longest among the current membership, for 67 years, shares about the life, location, ministry and call to vocation in this oasis of prayer.

She said, ” A monastery is like a light in the darkness… It’s a joyful place”.

Sister Anne Marie also advised to those considering a vocation here, ” You have to love prayer. If you don’t love prayer, you won’t stay here very long. You have to love God very much and be sure it’s what you want.”

This book which contains bios of 72 New York Catholics, deceased and living, can be obtained from Orbis Books. Read an excerpt about Sr. Anne Marie here:



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