Crowning Our Blessed Mother

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Save the Dates: May 30-June 7-Sacred Heart Novena

Every night at 730PM at Brooklyn Visitation Monastery’s Sacred Heart Chapel

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Last Day of Sacred Heart Conference

John S from Brooklyn Associates at airport after Sacred Heart Conference. He says “I am at the airport and should arrive home late tonight.
The conference was a very serious thing. But I cannot write about it all here.
We had mass today with what I believe was a first class relic of St. Margaret Mary from Paray Le Monial. Amazing! I was able to venerate it at the end of Mass. St. Margaret Mary, pray for us.” Pope Francis met them all yesterday.
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Day 2 Sacred Heart Conference in Rome

Brooklyn Visitation Monastery Associate John meets Mother Maria Silvia, Superior of the Monastery of the Visitation in Annecy, our Holy Source, with a friend!


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Day 1 Sacred Heart Conference in Rome

Visitation Salesian group: Dr. Amelia from St Louis, Sr Brenda from Minneapolis, unknown friend, Father Kumar, OSFS, Vienna Va and John S., Brooklyn Visitation Associate

       Conference Day 1  and Mass Day 1

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Sacred Heart Conference-Rome update 1

From our Associate, John, at the scene:

Mass at Trinité des Monts (piazza di Spagna) last night. It was so wonderful. We had a bishop there.

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Associate John S. in Rome for Sacred Heart Conference

The Conference on the Sacred Heart in Rome begins tomorrow, May 1, at the Villa Aurelia. Our rep, John Staniszewski, Associate, is there. Tonight, Mass and vigil with relics of St Margaret Mary at Trinité des Monts (piazza di Spagna)

Joining John are Sister Brenda and Sister Katherine from our Minneapolis Monastery and Ms. Amelia from St Louis, and Fr Kumar from Virginia.

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Year of Prayer 2024

Holy Father Pope Francis has declared 2024 to be a Year of Prayer in preparation for the Jubilee Year of 2025.

Our Brooklyn Visitation Monastery, in collaboration with this year, invites all to join us on Sunday afternoons for three forms of prayer, between 4PM and 5:30P, in our Sacred Heart Chapel:

ADORATION PRAYER- before the Blessed Sacrament in exposition, in silence


VOCAL PRAYER- praying the Glorious mysteries of the Holy Rosary


LITURGICAL PRAYER-praying the Liturgy of the Hours, Evening Prayer


Learn about the Year of Prayer here: ENG_Sulla-preghiera-A5-76P-SITO.pdf (

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Blessed Easter!

The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone: this is the work of the Lord, the wonder before our eyes. (Ps 117, 22-23)

[…] making himself a companion of our sufferings so that we become companions of his glory. By this abundant, superabundant, magnificent, excessive redemption he showed us the riches of his goodness. (TLG II, 4) SFDS

Christ is truly resurrected! Alleluia

“Peace be with you!”
Christ is risen! Hallelujah!

From a Sermon by St. Francis de Sales. April 12, 1594. Works VII, 167

There was no doubt great joy in Noah’s ark, when the dove, which had gone out a short time before, as if to spy on the state of the world, returned at last bearing in its beak the olive branch, a sure signal of the cessation of the waters, and that God had restored to the world the happiness of his peace. But, O God, with what joy, with what feast, with what gladness was the company of the Apostles, when they saw the holy humanity of the Redeemer return among themselves after the resurrection, bearing in his mouth the olive of a holy and agreeable peace: Pax vobis, and showing them the unmistakable marks and signs of the reconciliation of men with God: Et ostendit eis manus et pédes.

No doubt their souls were then fully drenched in consolation: Gavisi sunt discipuli viso Domino. But this joy was not the chief fruit of this holy sight; for their wavering faith was strengthened, their frightened hope was secured, and their almost extinguished charity was kindled. This is the discourse which I have undertaken, but which I cannot do well, nor can you, listen well, unless the Holy Spirit assists us. Let us, therefore, invoke Him, and in order to invoke Him better, let us employ the intermediary of the Blessed Virgin. Ave Maria.

Now these three things remain, faith, hope, and charity; but the greatest of these is charity. Cor, 13. Faith for the understanding, hope for memory, charity for the will. Faith honors the Father, because it is based on omnipotence; hope honors the Son, for it is founded on his redemption; charity honors the Holy Spirit, for it embraces and cherishes goodness. Faith shows us happiness, hope makes us aspire to it, charity puts us in possession. They are necessary, but now; for in Heaven there remains only charity. Faith does not enter into it, for it is seen in everything; hope still less, for there is everything in it; but there is only charity to love our God in everything, everywhere, and with everything.
Our Lord does nothing else than teach us these three lessons: how to believe, how to hope, and how to love; but especially in those forty days in which he conversed with his apostles after his resurrection, and more particularly in the apparition recited today.

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To Close A Monastery

To close a Monastery is to shred one’s soul

Incalculable pieces that will ne’er be whole

A vocation torn and chaffed away

Blown by the Spirit to find a new way.


Death would be simpler and kinder still

At least that certainty would lie in God’ Will

Discernment, decisions, whoever truly can know

Why God’s precious House must be slated to go.


O Brooklyn Visitation, why must it be?

Where in the Scripture is found the key

to this unfathomable time of deep mystery.

So much inner life left yet why must it be?


No more to see our “stained-glass” Spouse

Sun shining Heart in love aflame

No more to wander these Holy Halls

Winding in prayer His name to acclaim.


With hearts numbed by sadness and broken with pain

With words stunned to silence and protests maimed

With children confused and parents enraged

With memories burning our minds to engage.


Yet Jesus is coming and Easter is near

How many times did He say “Do not fear”?

So we lean on His strength and gather our hopes

And direct in acquiescence our wills to cope.


Mary’s Fiat becomes our very own Yes

To a veiled mystery to which we acquiesce

May Jesus guide our futures, our love and our wills

May the silence of His Rising our troubled souls still.




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