New Postulant

On the glorious Feast of All Saints, our community welcomed a new postulant with these words:

Live + Jesus

Welcome Kim  to the Postulancy

St. Francis de Sales said in one of his letters, “ Conduct and hold your spirit fast to the glorious paths of the heavenly Jerusalem, where from every side you hear the praises of God resounding.

Look at the variety of saints and find out how they arrived in heaven. You will learn that the apostles got there especially through love, the martyrs through their constancy, the doctors through meditation, the confessors through mortification, the virgins through purity of heart, but all of them through humility.”


As you begin your postulancy with all of us in the Brooklyn Visitation Monastery, Kim, you will recognize that as St Francis also said, “ the opportunity to do great things does not come very often, but at every moment we can do little acts with great love.”

You will receive grace to bear patiently the small trials of everyday life, those inconveniences that give us the chance to show God that we really love Him.


A prayer for this great Solemnity of All Saints says in part, “We celebrate the festival of this city, the heavenly Jerusalem…towards her we eagerly hasten as pilgrims advancing by faith..”

As “pilgrims advancing by faith” we look to the saints today to guide you, especially our Founders-Saints Francis de Sales, St. Jane de Chantal and St. Margaret Mary.


It is providential that members of our community first met you when we were literally pilgrims, with you, on a pilgrimage to Annecy in France, our Holy Source, where our Saintly Founders are laid to rest. That pilgrimage anticipated this current one.


Now you continue your religious pilgrimage here in Brooklyn, leaving behind your native region of the USA to come to be within an oasis of prayer in this large city.


As you begin your postulancy, may the Sacred Heart of Jesus enfold you, as all of our hearts intercede for your vocational fidelity and growth. Know that you have the support of your Novice Directress, Sr Mary Pauline, each of your novitiate companions, all the Professed Sisters and myself.


May your heart be blessed and may you rejoice with the Saints today, as they accompany you in new beginnings.


May God be praised!

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Candidate’s First Week in the Monastery

The beautiful Feast of St. Margaret Mary was Kim’s entrance day. How has  she spent her first week?

Adjusting, of course, getting to know our names and living the daily, New York – paced rhythm of our Monastery!

Her postulancy will begin in November and in the meantime, Kim is reading about our Founder, St. Francis de Sales, using the biography written by Father Andre Ravier, SJ.

She has been assigned to the silent and sacred work in the Sacristy, guided by the Sisters there who prayerfully perform their duties and instruct her in all the many details it involves.

Please continue to pray for her spiritual journey!



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Photo Clips of the Procession on St Margaret Mary’s Feast

As one member of the congregation, a mom with a young daughter in our Visitation Academy said, “This Mass and procession has been so moving. My daughter will never forget it.”

And the student said ” I am going to tell my whole class!”

If you were not able to be there on October 16th  for our celebration of St Margaret Mary’s Feast,  perhaps these pictures will enable you to feel the spirit of this evening of worship.



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New Entrant Arrives on the Feast of St Margaret Mary

Her journey took her from the South.. to the Midwest.. to Manhattan and finally to the shores of Brooklyn, where our Monastery is located not far from New York Harbor and the Verrazano Bridge.

On this glorious Feast of our Saint-Sister, St. Margaret Mary, the Lord’s Sacred Heart opens to receive Kim as a hope-filled candidate to the Visitation here.

Tonight as we celebrate Mass, process with the Blessed Sacrament and venerate a relic of the Saint, we ask blessings on each of those present and especially Kim who has left all that is familiar to follow Jesus.

Please pray for her as she begins her journey.

More to come!


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Cloistered Sisters Take a Walk with Jesus and a Saint

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25th Jubilee!

Back in the 1980’s when vocations were scarce a courageous woman from Long Island entered our community.

On the Feast of the Archangels she will celebrate her 25th anniversary of her Holy Profession.

Pray for Sister Rosemarie as she remains faithful and committed to her religious vocation!

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159th Foundation Anniversary September 24th

The Brooklyn Monastery of the Visitation will be celebrating its 159 anniversary next week!

Last year we provided the general history of our community.

This year we’d like to focus on some of the well-known religious and clergy who have visited the Monastery; especially in our early days.

One renowned Visitor was His Eminence James Cardinal Gibbons, who visited the Monastery several times when located on Clinton Avenue. He paid a visit on his way to Rome to receive his red hat!

An earlier visitor to the Johnson St address of the Visitation was the daughter of St. Elizabeth Seton, herself a Sister of Mercy, Mother Catherine Seton of New Jersey, who graced our Parlor way back in 1877.

The “martyr-priest” Father Leo Heinricks, O.F.M., celebrated the Mass several times in our  community and in 1905 and 1906 came to both the reception of the habit and Holy Profession of his former penitent, Sister Mary Fidelis Mitchell. After being transferred to Denver, Colorado, Father Leo was assassinated at Mass and favors have been received through his intercession.

These are just a few of the interesting visitors who have enriched the lives of the Visitation Sisters throughout our history.

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Mass/Candlelight Procession/Veneration of relic

The Brooklyn Diocese’s Sacred Heart Apostolate under the leadership of Reverend Peter Gillen, in conjunction with the Visitation Sisters, invites you to a special celebration of the Feast of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque on Thursday, October 16, 2014, her Feast Day!

Father Gillen and Father Stephen Saffron will concelebrate the Feast Day liturgy at 7:30PM, which will be followed by a candlelight procession outside the Monastery’s walls  with the Blessed Sacrament and a first-class relic of Saint Margaret Mary.

After Benediction and Reposition, the congregation may venerate the relic within the Sacred Heart Chapel of the Visitation Monastery.

May St. Margaret Mary’s intercession continue to help our diocesan faithful in dedicating themselves to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Posted in Monastery Events, Monastery News, Ordinary Time, Salesian Feast Days | 2 Comments

Sacred Heart Guard of Honor Members

The Sacred Heart Apostolate returns to Visitation Monastery to celebrate First Friday Masses starting Friday, September 5, 2014 at 730PM.

We are pleased to announce that we will also commence First Sunday gatherings for all enrolled Guard of Honor Members at the Monastery, from 3-4:30PM, beginning in OCTOBER.

Please join us for this year’s sacred intention that our Diocese will be consecrated to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

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Three Professions under Our Lady’s Mantle

The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother is a beautiful Feast for making one’s vows of poverty, chastity and obedience to the Lord.

In our Brooklyn Monastery, three Sisters have been called and chosen to make their Holy Profession on this holy day. Last week, on August 15th, Our Lady’s Assumption, we celebrated three Professions,a First, a 23rd anniversary and a 65th anniversary!

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