Celebrating a First Profession

Here are more photos of Sister Synthia Helena with family, friends and faculty!

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First Profession Pictures!

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First Profession of Vows

On the glorious Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother, Sister Synthia Helena pronounced her vows of poverty, chastity and obedience for a period of three years.

More photos to come.

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St. Jane de Chantal, One of God’s Greatest Lovers

Tuesday August 12thwill be the Feast of the Foundress of the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary, St. Jane Frances de Chantal. The well-known Cardinal Berulle, founder of the French Oratory,  once said of St. Jane that she was one of God’s greatest lovers on earth!

St. Jane did not wait to become a foundress or religious nun to love God. She loved Him from childhood and this love intensified from her widowhood.

She was so well pleased with her solitude, to be alone with her Love, that she abandoned all worldly and useless conversations at that time and never entered into society, except when duty,charity, or civility required it. This holy love went on purifying her; it urged her to that which was good, admonished, instructed, separated her from everything, and at last imprisoned her gloriously in a small house,  to commence our little congregation.

Her love, though favored with great heavenly joy, was strong, generous, and perfectly independent of all spiritual pleasure and sensible sweetness; a courageous love to undertake  things for the glory of God, a constant love, supporting her in her labors; a love bold in difficulties; a love submissive in opposition; a love always adhering to the Divine Will, a love wise and discreet; a love perfectly disinterested and free from selfishness; a love which made her resign everything to the Providence of her Lover; a love of simple confidence; a love of a spouse and a daughter, which remained ever firm, and perfectly chaste and filial; an humble love, which induced her to desire her total annihilation, in order that her Well-beloved might thereby be exalted; a love which confirmed her in perfect oblivion of self by a continual remembrance of her God; a love of conformity which made her rejoice in following in holy abjection Jesus Christ abject, in living in the agony of Calvary, in the sufferings of desertion on the cross, tasting but gall and vinegar in her interior, and occasionally contempt and contradiction from men; such was the holy love which enabled her to persevere to the end with an ever increasing fidelity in the service of God.

 His Eminence the Cardinal Berulle, founder of the (French) Oratory, and who died in the odor of sanctity, once when he was administering  communion to our Holy Mother at Dijon, after she was a widow, perceived by a supernatural light that this soul was interiorly directed by an extraordinary road. After Mass he inquired who was that widow, and said, “Her heart is an altar where the fire of love is never extinguished, and it will become so vehement, that it will consume not only the sacrifices, but the altar,” which indeed came to pass.

When our Holy Mother was in Paris for the foundation of the first house, this Cardinal went to visit her, and said, on his return, to the Countess de St. Paul, a princess of high interior piety, that he had seen one of the greatest lovers God had on earth. He took several ladies to convene with our Holy Mother on their interior life, telling them that she was the amorous Shunamite, destined to lead her companions in celestial love through the most perilous paths.”

Source: Mother de Chaugy’s Life and Virtues of St Jane de Chantal

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Celebrating the Feast of St Anne and St Joachim

The Feast of St. Anne and St Joachim is special not only as the celebration of the parents of our dear Blessed Lady and a remembrance of all our ancestors in our faith, but it also has special meaning for two Sisters in our community.

Sr Anne Marie celebrates her Feast Day today July 26, on this Feast of Mary’s parents, and Sr Ana Maria celebrates her Profession Anniversary!

Sr Ana Maria is in First Vows, and this is her second anniversary. Sr Anne Marie has been a member of this community over 65 years.

God bless both of you, dear Sisters!

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Under Our Lady’s Mantle

We Visitation Sisters are particularly dedicated to Our Blessed Mother under the theme of her visitation to her cousin, St. Elizabeth. Our tradition suggests that any woman who discovers a vocation to our Visitandine, monastic way of life has received a “secret visitation” of the Virgin Mary in her heart.

We believe that this is the case with our novice Sr. Synthia,  who will be professing her first vows on Our Lady’s Feast of the Assumption, August 15th, 2014. A true spiritual daughter of our Blessed Mother, Sr. Synthia will make this First Profession in our Sacred Heart Chapel.

Please continue to pray for her as she prepares for this holy commitment.

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Upcoming First Profession

Our second year Novice, Sister Synthia, has been accepted for First Profession. Please pray for her as she deepens her commitment to the Lord Jesus!

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The Annual Sacred Heart Novena will take place in Visitation Monastery’s Sacred Heart Chapel, with a 7:30PM Mass every night for nine evenings, From Thursday June 19- Friday June 27, 2014.

The celebrants are:

UPDATE: THURSDAY JUNE 26 Celebrant has been changed to: Very Rev. Tizio CssR


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Pentecost with St. Francis de Sales

The great Feast of Pentecost, which completes the Easter season, falls on Sunday June 8th this year.

The Holy Spirit is always ready to give us spiritual gifts, and especially on this day.

St. Francis de Sales assists us in asking for these gifts:

“May it please the Divine Majesty to grant us the gift of fear that we may serve Him filially; the gift of piety to revere Him as our most loving Father, the gift of knowledge to know the good we ought to do and the evil we ought to avoid, the gift of fortitude to overcome courageously all difficulties in the practice of virtue, the gift of counsel to discern and to choose the true way of perfection, the gift of understanding to realize the beauty and benefit of the mysteries of faith and of the truths of the Gospel; finally the gift of wisdom to taste how good God is, to savor and experience the sweetnesses of His incomprehensible benignity.

Oh! How happy shall we be, if we receive these priceless gifts, for doubtless, they will lead us to the summit of this mystical ladder where we shall be received by our Divine Savior who awaits us there with open arms, to make us participants of His glory and felicity.” (Sermon for the Feast of Pentecost)

Read the entire sermon here:


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Feast of the Visitation

Saturday, May 31st, is the Feast of the Visitation,the Titular Feast of the Order of the Visitation.

Scholar Helene Bordes enlightens us theologically about the meaning of this Feast in the mind and heart of St. Francis de Sales, Founder of the Order. In her article, The Sermons of St. Francis de Sales, Ms. Bordes concludes, ” ..in St. Francis de Sales, the mystery of the Visitation is how to live already risen from the dead,and already in the world of the Transfiguration, when creation is not anymore groaning in one great act  of giving birth.”

She suggests that in the Visitation, “Easter is lived to its fullness, in the present instant. This reading of the mystery of the Visitation, model of the ‘hidden life’, gives complete unity to the thought and Salesian style,and is for the bishop (St Francis de Sales) the thread that unites the mysteries of faith with them.

To live and to speak the Visitation is to live and to speak Easter in the light of the actual mystery of Christ, the Transfiguration at work in the world and in time. It is the realization of the Incarnation.

The Incarnation  is “visitation” of man by God,…

The exchange which is the mystery of the Visitation shows how the love of God  and the love of neighbor, comparable but not identical,, cannot function without each other.”

Source: Salesian Insights, 1999.



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