Preparing for Lent

Lent: Fuel Up for the Rest of the Year

Ash Wednesday will soon be here, bringing us into the Lenten season.Traditionally, Catholics have practiced prayer, fasting, penance, and almsgiving during Lent as ways to grow closer to Christ, and better model their lives after him. Will this Lent be a fruitful one for you?

St. Francis de Sales writes,

“Lent is the autumn of the spiritual life during which we gather fruit to keep us going for the rest of the year. Enrich yourselves with these treasures, which nobody can take away from you and which cannot be destroyed. I am accustomed to say that we will not spend Lent well unless we are determined to make the most of it. Let us, therefore, spend this Lent as if it were our last, and we will make it well. Listen to the sermons, because holy words are pearls; they are ships of infinite mercy – the true ocean of the East.”

Indeed, he makes a good point that the four practices will not make us holy if our heart is not involved. In this excerpt from St. Francis’ sermon for Ash Wednesday, the saint reminds us,

“Prepare yourselves to fast with charity, for if your fast is performed without it, it will be vain and useless, since fasting, like all other good works, is not pleasing to God unless it is done in charity and through charity. When you discipline yourself, when you say long prayers, if you have not charity, all that is nothing. Even though you should work miracles, if you have not charity, they will not profit you at all.”


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Vocation Brochure









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Year of Consecrated Life

The Vatican and Pope Francis have designated October 2014-November 2015 at the Year for Consecrated Life.

The three objectives of the Year of Consecrated Life are: gratefully remembering the recent past, HOPE, and living the present passionately.

Our Brooklyn community will be planning to enter into this year in a welcoming spirit, and we will post the events and retreats that will represent our engagement with the Holy Father’s celebration of religious life.

Look for these notices as well as a deeper sharing of our Founders’ vision and charism in the months ahead!

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World Day for Consecrated Life Feb 2

The Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord, February 2, 2014 is also dedicated as the World Day for Consecrated Life.

St. Francis de Sales spoke some of his thoughts about this Feast.

In his sermon on Feb. 2, 1622 this Founder of the Visitation Order of Holy Mary preached that,

This mystery is admirably represented by the candles which we carry today.

The fire, which is the first and most excellent element in the candle, is a symbol of the Divinity. The other two elements of the candle, the wick and the wax, symbolize the soul and body of Our Lord.

Now the Divine Nature is so united and joined to the human nature and they form such a union and communion that God became man…”

Our Brooklyn Monastery  celebrates this day with deep and persistent prayer for those discerning their vocations to religious life.

At our 9AM Sunday Mass on this day, the Sisters, holding lighted candles, will process through the outer Chapel into the cloister as part of the ceremonial for this Feast. Join the Sisters and several women discerning their vocations,  for the Eucharistic Liturgy celebrated by a Redemptorist Father!

Wondering what other discerners have asked and how the Sisters answered? Read our free on line book on discernment,here:

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Feast of St. Francis de Sales Jan. 24

Today is the Feast of the Holy Founder of the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary, St. Francis de Sales. Visitation Sisters around the world are united spiritually in deep gratitude for his life, his teachings, his “Living Jesus” and for our monastic vocations.

St. Francis de Sales was a spiritual guide for laity and religious alike, and is best known for his book The Introduction to the Devout Life which continues to guide followers of Jesus to holiness today.

He was also a Bishop, an eminent preacher, and is a Doctor of the Church.

We celebrate his Feast all throughout this day in our Monastery.

Our Liturgy of the Hours is sung with exquisitely composed chant melodies that raise our hearts and minds to deep appreciation of our saintly Founder and his love for God.

The early morning Mass, also with uniquely composed hymns, is celebrated by our parish priest who always comes prepared with deep reflections on St Francis de Sales and his relevant meaning in our lives.

To enhance our devotion, we place a first class relic of  St Francis in the center of the choir to be reverenced by each Sister as she enters.

Also each Sister receives a “legacy” from him; a special quote prepared earlier from his writings that she takes to heart and follows  throughout the day and year.

In the afternoon we expose the Blessed Sacrament for adoration and in gratitude thank Jesus for all His gifts to us and the world through St Francis de Sales.

Our lively recreation includes talking at meals rather than the usual silence, with food often provided by benefactors.

Two Sisters in particular celebrate this day; as for one, it is her birthday, and the other her Feast day, so they receive cards and flowers at their place in the refectory.

Our evening recreation is equally as animated as we round out the day in community with joy!


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A Novitiate Class

Sunlight streams into the spacious novitiate room at the end of the retreat corridor as the novices gather to await the arrival of the Directress.

When she enters they greet her with “God be praised!” and all sit down in a semi-circle to pray and dedicate this time to the Lord. The spontaneous invocation varies at each session and flows from the heart.

The current novitiate class may be on the Introduction to the Devout Life, the Conferences of St Francis de Sales, the Constitutions of the Order, the Vows, St. Margaret Mary’s life, or Scripture.

Slowly, paragraph by paragraph, we read the work aloud, taking turns in a meditative fashion to absorb the deep meaning, and then pausing to discuss what we have understood, following the inspiration of the moment as the conversation proceeds to envelop our personal experiences and profound sentiments.

With some works, the text is read privately before class, and the class time involves a discussion with prepared questions and/or personal insights.

These classes hopefully bond our novices spiritually and intellectually and give the Directress the opportunity to get to know them better. There is a mutuality of sharing between  Directress and novice.

Salesian Spirituality is “caught”, not “taught” and we honor our Founders by our meticulous focus on their works with the hope that their teachings become part of our soul, with the Holy Word of God from the Scriptures that we pray.


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Our Epiphany Queen

Most people correctly associate the Solemnity of the Epiphany with the three magi — or kings — who came from the east. In our Order, and many other monastic communities as well, however, we  have one more person who figures prominently at the Epiphany: the queen. A predominantly European custom, in our Brooklyn Monastery we adapted it slightly. Each Sister picks a pink bag with a bean in it. If the bean is white, she is safe! But if it is black, She is the Queen for the Year!

The queen has a few special privileges and responsibilities and she is usually inundated with requests from her the rest of the Sisters. A special day is chosen as a recreation day to celebrate with skits, poems and other delights!

This year, our Epiphany Queen for 2014 is our Temporary Professed Sister, pictured below.

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Discernment days

Our Monastery has been blessed with three women seriously discerning their vocations here, and hopefully will join the three Sisters already in various stages of formation.

If you are inspired to consider a monastic, contemplative vocation, the first step after contacting us is to schedule discernment retreat days.

During these sacred days you will pray and live with the Sisters in community, share some spirituality classes and help in some monastic work.  A Conference with the vocation directress may also help you in your unique journey toward a Visitandine way of life.

It’s a new year! Let the Lord lead you!


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A sunburst within His Soul

Piercing rays that flame and dart

Christ’s splendorous Glory we behold

Hidden within His Infant Heart.


Burning stars presage that flame

Angelic chants hymn the sky

Mother Mary whispers His Name

Humming an Aramaic lullaby.

Christmas joy’s about to burst

Drawing us nearer, not apart

With greens and reds we are immersed

As we honor His Wreath-Wrapped Heart.

By a Visitandine 2013


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Christmas Liturgy Schedule

Christmas Eve

Carols  7:10PM

Mass    7:30PM

Christmas Day

Mass     9:00AM

Celebrant: Rev. Frank Jones, CssR


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