St. Francis de Sales founded our Order “spiritually on Mount Calvary to serve Jesus Christ crucified, whom all the sisters are to follow by crucifying their senses, inclinations, passions, imaginations, aversions, and fancies, for love of their Father in Heaven.” As we draw closer to Mount Calvary ~ to the beginning of the Holy Triduum ~ we prepare to enter more deeply into the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord. During this time of stillness and silence, rest assured that we carry you and your intentions with us in our prayers. As we lay the sorrows of the world at the foot of the Cross to be healed by the Triumph of God’s Love and the Glory of His Resurrection, we pray that your Easter will be filled with the jubilant hope of His Victory.
“Keep your eyes fixed on the Master; work together with Him. Look into His Eyes until you forget your own ideas and learn to think, act, and work in Him, through Him, and for Him alone.” ~ St. Jane de Chantal