Sr Rosemarie Brennan VHM Reposes in the Lord

Sr Rosemarie Brennan entered our community in 1986 and made first vows in 1989, with final vows in 1993.

The Lord called her home April 27, 2022.

Please pray for all of us.

Funeral Mass here:


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Salesian Jubilee Year and Feast of St Francis de Sales Monday January 24

You are welcome to attend 8AM Mass on Monday January 24 and celebrate the Feast of St Francis de Sales, and gain a plenary indulgence.


Because it is the 400th anniversary of the death of St Francis and the Holy See has granted us a Jubilee Year!

In fact if you attend Mass Sunday Jan 23 at 9AM, you will be participating in the memory of another Salesian Saint, St Jane de Chantal, whose 450th birthday is Sunday.

So all are welcome!

Throughout the year which ends on Dec 28 2022, there will be additional opportunities to celebrate big Visitation Feasts with us at Mass.

We will post those in the future.

Posted in Monastery Events, Monastery News, Ordinary Time, Salesian Feast Days, Salesian Spirituality, Special Events | 1 Comment

Brooklyn Visitation Monastery Celebrates 166 years on September 24

Brooklyn Visitation Monastery arrived in Downtown Brooklyn and began its service here with prayer and education on September 24, 1855!

The first location was on Johnson and Pearl Streets and the first student to be registered was Julia Morris, later to become Mrs. John Carroll Foley.

The first building had been the residence of once famous Dominic Johnson.

The first Mother Superior was Mother Juliana Matthews who brought five Sisters with her from Baltimore Visitation Monastery. Two others came six months later.

The second location for Monastery and Academy was at Clinton and Willoughby Avenues

and in 1903 both transferred to Bay Ridge at our present location.

Currently there are 10 Sisters residing in the Monastery and the Academy remains a premiere elementary school.

We give glory to God for establishing His Sacred Heart Sanctuary at Visitation Monastery all these years in our Diocese of Brooklyn!


Posted in History, Monastery Events, Monastery News, Special Events | Leave a comment

Pilgrimage Opportunity-Visitation Saints

Oct 2022- Visit France and sites where Visitandines lived. Also Lourdes visit included

Click here for information: Footsteps of the Visitation Saints (

Posted in History, Monastery Events, Salesian Spirituality, Special Events | 1 Comment

Sunday chat Sept 12

1.   Saint Francis makes it very clear that he is this gentleman’s father, even referring to him as his “real son.” How do priests and bishops become our fathers in an even more real way than biological fathers?

2.   Reflect on the fact that earthly family is ultimately created by two unrelated strangers getting married and having children. Are the spouses less family than the children who share blood? What, then, is the essence of family?

3.   Connected to that, how are Christians “more” family than blood relatives?

4.   How could it benefit the Church (and the world) for us to live more attuned to this family reality of our Christian faith?

5.   Discuss this line from the letter: “No indeed, my very dear son, although you may change the place where you live, the work you do and the people you talk to, you will never, as I hope, change your heart, nor your heart change its love, nor your love its object, since you could never choose a worthier love for your heart nor a worthier object for your love than the One who is to make you happy for ever.”



Q1 How do priests and bishops become our fathers in an even more real way than biological fathers?


Sep 12, 7:33 PM

Simone (Guest): Hi Sister! Hi Betty! and Hi to two viewers

Sep 12, 7:33 PM

VisitationSiste: hi Simone How was vacation


Sep 12, 7:33 PM

Betty (Guest): They are getting call by Jesus.for sister susan

Sep 12, 7:34 PM

VisitationSiste: HI DAWN


Sep 12, 7:34 PM

Simone (Guest): oh my sister- this vacation was something.. Luggage never arrived in two weeks.. what a great way to dive into simplicity and humility

Sep 12, 7:34 PM

Dawn (Guest): hello everyone, hi Sr Susan

Sep 12, 7:34 PM

Betty (Guest): Hi everyone

Sep 12, 7:34 PM

VisitationSiste: goodness!


Sep 12, 7:34 PM

Simone (Guest): Had a chance to get to the Visitation monastery in Vienna – and talked to Sr. Gratia there!

Sep 12, 7:34 PM

Simone (Guest): Hi Dawn!

Sep 12, 7:35 PM

VisitationSiste: tell me more


Sep 12, 7:35 PM

Simone (Guest): about the monastery?

Sep 12, 7:35 PM

VisitationSiste: yes


Sep 12, 7:35 PM

Simone (Guest): the cloister church there is AMAZING! It is like sitting in the midst of Salesian teaching – I would love to send you pictures. but how?

Sep 12, 7:36 PM

VisitationSiste: e mail


Sep 12, 7:36 PM

Simone (Guest): OK.. will do

Sep 12, 7:36 PM

Betty (Guest): Monastery is a very strict place is living a prayer and medietation place is a life of prayer

7:36 PM

Betty (Guest): Monastery is a very strict place is living a prayer and medietation place is a life of prayer.

Sep 12, 7:36 PM

Simone (Guest): I talked to Sr. Gratia in the “meeting room – with an “open grill”-

7 PM

Simone (Guest): they have there something like “companions of the Visitation order” – and these women get the cross to wear. I was a little bit jealous to be honest

Sep 12, 7:37 PM

Simone (Guest): anwyways.. will send you pictures

Sep 12, 7:37 PM

Dawn (Guest): would be wonderful to hear about your visit there Simone


Simone (Guest): Not so much to say though – but I am contemplating to go over for a 8 days of silent retreat in their monastery. They open their monastery for that. But so does your monastery, right Sr. Susan?

Sep 12, 7:38 PM

VisitationSiste: yes


6 online







1 viewer

38 PM

Simone (Guest): Not so much to say though – but I am contemplating to go over for a 8 days of silent retreat in their monastery. They open their monastery for that. But so does your monastery, right Sr. Susan?

Sep 12, 7:38 PM

VisitationSiste: yes


Sep 12, 7:38 PM

Simone (Guest): when Covid ends… expect a knock from me on your door one day Sister

Sep 12, 7:39 PM

VisitationSiste: ok welcome at that time for sure


Sep 12, 7:39 PM

Simone (Guest): Ok. thanks for letting me share a bit.. but I would love to hear all your answers for the questions today too

6 online







1 viewer

39 PM

Betty (Guest): They living in the spiritual life with Jesus in the monastery not all the people can enter the monastery become a nun or priest they have to get this calling by Jesus it is not you choose him it is he choose you to become one of them. 2 PM

Simone (Guest): Well, we share the same spiritual DNA with our priests – not necessarily with our biological father though

6 online




Betty (Guest): Like Jesus choose 12 disciples to preach gaspel and making miracle to healing the sick is not come from them it is come from God 43 PM

Simone (Guest): The priests and bishops provide my spiritual food. Like my father did when I was young

Sep 12, 7:44 PM

VisitationSiste: They father our souls which is more eternal at least now than our bodies altho we will resurrect some day


Sep 12, 7:44 PM

Simone (Guest): they provide “spiritual shelter” –

2, 7:44 PM

LuAnn (Guest): If we are looking at father as the relationship of the elder to the younger, the mentor, protector and advisor, all of these can be filled by a priest in our growing in God 44 PM

Simone (Guest): well said Sr. Susan and LuAnn. :45 PM

Betty (Guest): Like Jesus choosing St. Paul to become his disciple to become the teaching of the church. 5 PM

Simone (Guest): in your experience – what do you think – do all priests take the spiritual fatherhood on? Is it necessary?

Sep 12, 7:45 PM

LuAnn (Guest): In today’s world, the lines of fatherhood are very much more blurred than in the past and allow for others to fill that role even without a biological connection.

6 on

p 12, 7:46 PM

Simone (Guest): I agree LuAnn – I think we have lost the beauty and honour for fatherhood somehow

Sep 12, 7:46 PM

Simone (Guest): in a wordy way

Sep 12, 7:46 PM

Simone (Guest): worldly

Sep 12, 7:47 PM

VisitationSiste: Most priests want to be helpful but not all can direct souls as well as others


Sep 12, 7:47 PM

LuAnn (Guest): I agree there is a loss there PM

Simone (Guest): Sister – but it does not even have to be Spiritual Direction. which is in one way or another – a form of a spiritual gift too – but the willingness to be a Father. That is a big load on the shoulder.

Sep 12, 7:48 PM

LuAnn (Guest): Whether priest or familial, not all fathers fill the role equally, but that is not to say they are not giving their best

Sep 12, 7:48 PM

Dawn (Guest): many priests and Bishops have become attached to the world and are not sherparing their flocks

Sep 12, 7:48 PM

VisitationSiste: q2 2. Reflect on the fact that earthly family is ultimately created by two unrelated strangers getting married and having children. Are the spouses less family than the children who share blood? What, then, is the essence of family?


Sep 12, 7:48 PM

Simone (Guest): probably harder for younger priests too

Sep 12, 7:48 PM

Ruth (Guest): Hello everyone. Sorry I’m late. Just got in. Long story. Will scroll back and see if I cannot pick up the thread.

Sep 12, 7:48 PM

VisitationSiste: hi RUTH


Sep 12, 7:48 PM

Simone (Guest): Hi Ruth! good to see you here!

Sep 12, 7:49 PM

Dawn (Guest): hi Ruth

7 online



9 PM

Betty (Guest): God choose you to become spiritual leader is not a easy to be but with Jesus help it will be easy but in you spiritual life without his help you can’t do anything to become spiritual person

Sep 12, 7:49 PM

Simone (Guest): it’s covenant relationship between spouses

7 onli


Simone (Guest): most intimate form of relationship 9 PM

Betty (Guest): God choose you to become spiritual leader is not a easy to be but with Jesus help it will be easy but in you spiritual life without his help you can’t do anything to become spiritual person

Sep 12, 7:49 PM

Simone (Guest): it’s covenant relationship between spouses

Sep 12, 7:49 PM

Simone (Guest): most intimate form of relationship

Sep 12, 7:50 PM

LuAnn (Guest): There are different ways to enter a family, but once in, it should be for life and therefore devastating to have that bond broken

Sep 12, 7:50 PM

Dawn (Guest): this is good Betty

Sep 12, 7:50 PM

Betty (Guest): Thanks dawn

Sep 12, 7:51 PM

Dawn (Guest): is true what you said

Sep 12, 7:51 PM

VisitationSiste: I think marriage is also a mystical reality that binds people as much as blood relationship

2 PM

Dawn (Guest): a supernatural bond forms 4 PM

VisitationSiste: perhaps family is a call to souls that God has chosen to be together


Sep 12, 7:54 PM

Dawn (Guest): but not in all marriages

:54 PM

Simone (Guest): God has not even the same “species” with us – and we become part of His family through sacramental covenants :54 PM

Simone (Guest): God has not even the same “species” with us – and we become part of His family through sacramental covenants

Sep 12, 7:54 PM

LuAnn (Guest): Yes, the choice of commitment, blessed as a sacrament, the birth of children, (again a blessing) and the choice of adoption.

Sep 12, 7:54 PM

VisitationSiste: HI CAROL


Sep 12, 7:54 PM

Simone (Guest): Sister Susan.. I think I take your last line – and put it in the wedding card for my niece

Sep 12, 7:55 PM

Dawn (Guest): hi Carol

Sep 12, 7:55 PM

Carol (Guest): Hi Everyone!

Sep 12, 7:55 PM

Simone (Guest): Hi Carol!

, 7:55 PM

Betty (Guest): Some people choose by God but Satan Lucifer try to get our heart to disobey God and turn away from his ten laws but God is love he use his love to rescue us away from satan Lucifer and get closed to his love.

:58 PM

Carol (Guest): We have a special bond in Christ because we share His body in the Eucharist 59 PM

Simone (Guest): we share the same Father and the same blood.. what could be more family?

Sep 12, 8:00 PM

Dawn (Guest): yes!

Sep 12, 8:00 PM

LuAnn (Guest): I like it

Sep 12, 8:00 PM

01 PM

Ruth (Guest): We acknowledge the same Father, care for one another, share — some blood relatives make their lives into the opposite of “family” — use one another instead of acting in love, as a Christian family does when it is indeed Christian. 8:03 PM

VisitationSiste: CHRISTIANS are more family again in the sense of soul PM

Elena (Guest): If we’re all children of God, that makes us brothers and sisters. We’re children of God through baptism.

Sep 12, 8:07 PM

Simone (Guest): yes

9 PM

Elena (Guest): Although sometimes these days it seems Christians/Catholics don’t treat each other that way. Particularly online, it seems. Lots of division. Division everywhere in the world and in the U.S. but when it invades the Church, it makes me incredibly sad. PM

Elena (Guest): We can disagree and even argue — and certainly Church Fathers and Mothers have! — but the degree of nastiness and siloed thinking has become hurtful to our Church and to individuals. 10 PM

Dawn (Guest): agree Elena.

Sep 12, 8:10 PM

Simone (Guest): I agree too

Sep 12, 8:10 PM

Ruth (Guest): I agree and feel the same way.

Sep 12, 8:10 PM

Carol (Guest): Yes, it’s even worse when we divide ourselves within the Church

Sep 12, 8:10 PM

Dawn (Guest): we are in the midst of diabolic disorientation

9 online



Elena (Guest): And to a great degree, there is a “group think” that seems to hold sway in the world right now, and if you don’t belly up to that bar, you are shut down. There is no room to discourse and understand. No family can exist like that for very long. It is diabolic, I agree, Dawn! :12 PM

Carol (Guest): Yes, the world makes people disappear now 8:12 PM

Elena (Guest): Literally and figuratively. How could it benefit the Church (and the world) for us to live more attuned to this family reality of our Christian faith? PM

Carol (Guest): It is very hard for Americans because we have been raised to act as individuals 2, 8:14 PM

Elena (Guest): “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Sep 12, 8:14 PM

Simone (Guest): good point Carol. Individualism is very dangerous to unity

8 online 8:15 PM

Elena (Guest): Witnessing agape love, growing in virtue, tending to the weakest and most neglected and abused – this speaks to the world more loudly than anything.

Sep 12, 8:15 PM

Simone (Guest): I am preparing for a ‘restorative practice” workshop right now for a church council who has completely fallen in conflict and somewhat even entrenchment. I think most people do not know how to “practically” love. That’s where Salesian spirituality becomes so useful I find

Sep 12, 8:15 PM

Ruth (Guest): Amen to that Elena.


Elena (Guest): We can be individuals and still die to self. There is in our current world a danger of annihilating the individual such as happens in Communist societies — just as bad.

7 PM

Elena (Guest): But to be “out for #1/self” is of course to swell with pride and all the other cardinal sins/vices.

Sep 12, 8:17 PM

Simone (Guest): love has become – not action – not linked with humility and gentleness anymore -it is all about “kind fake words” – I find.. that’s enough. .If it sounds loving – it is OK. but that is not a love that feeds the soul and nurtures relationships I find

Sep 12, 8:17 PM

Ruth (Guest): It is. But how do we undo these extremes?

Sep 12, 8:18 PM

Carol (Guest): We have accepted cheap sentimentality instead of the down in the trenches love

Sep 12, 8:18 PM

Elena (Guest): Yes, Simone~ love is a “feeling” according to the world. Whereas we know love is a choice (often made with great difficulty).

Sep 12, 8:18 PM

Simone (Guest): it’s a choice to become less –

Sep 12, 8:18 PM

Elena (Guest): Yeah… Ruth… if we had the answers… I wish I did! Both extremes are from the enemy. Prayer, witness of life, the Sacraments.

:20 PM


Ruth (Guest): God calls each of us to become more like him in our here and now in the world.

Sep 12, 8:21 PM

Carol (Guest): By letting Him transform us so that people will want what we have

Sep 12, 8:21 PM

Dawn (Guest): we can bring others only to the extent we are ourselves and then only as we live andthey see


Elena (Guest): Amen, Sister! How… I think it’s living in a way that attracts others, when they notice a peace or patience or other virtue in difficult circumstances. People will want to know what that special quality is, or how that peace can enter their hearts.

Sep 12, 8:22 PM

Elena (Guest): Carol said it better lol

:23 PM

Carol (Guest): I don’t know about better, just shorter 2, 8:23 PM

Elena (Guest): Succinctly, anyway. I like it.  :24 PM

Ruth (Guest): Agreed. 24 PM

Simone (Guest): could it also happen through our suffering? 5 PM

Elena (Guest): Yes… I think when others see how we endure suffering with peace and patience, that is a sign that something else is present (someone else!). PM

Elena (Guest): “we” as if I’m the picture of perfect suffering!!! I’m not!! I whine a lot. 5 PM

Ruth (Guest): I think there is a way that we can unite our suffering to HIS and, even if no one sees it, it can have a positive effect on others.

Sep 12, 8:25 PM

Dawn (Guest): lol

25 PM

Elena (Guest): Ruth — yes! That spiritual reality beyond the witness. Of course. Well said!

Sep 12, 8:25 PM

Simone (Guest): Ruth, that’s what I was wondering.

6 PM

Ruth (Guest): Not sure of your meaning, Simone.

Sep 12, 8:26 PM

Elena (Guest): I waste a lot of suffering… I want to be better with this reality of uniting my suffering to Christ’s.

Sep 12, 8:26 PM

Simone (Guest): oh Elena.. I hear you sister.. I am so NOT good in suffering either. but I am better than 10 years ago .. where I did not even consider to suffer for a momen

7 PM

Carol (Guest): It can be hard if we keep trying to figure out why

Sep 12, 8:27 PM

Elena (Guest): Yes, this is true for me as well. And you know, in our world today, everything is geared to avoid suffering of any kind, to the point where we will do horrible things to not have to suffer.

Sep 12, 8:27 PM

Simone (Guest): I read a short biography from a Saint last week.. and honestly, I think she had every possible disease you can imagine. I caught myself whining upwards saying ” Please Lord, not a life like that. please not”..

Sep 12, 8:28 PM

Ruth (Guest): I believe that there is somehow an “economy of suffering” It has to do with our all being connected.

Sep 12, 8:28 PM

Simone (Guest): I am not avoiding EVERY suffering – but a life consumed with pain .. GOSH.. I need so much grace for that

Sep 12, 8:28 PM

Elena (Guest): Ruth – agree.

Sep 12, 8:29 PM

Elena (Guest): We are connected through the Passion, death and Resurrection of Christ.

:29 PM

Dawn (Guest): whining upwards, thank you!

Sep 12, 8:29 PM

Simone (Guest): Ruth.. I would like to read on “economy of suffering”.Can you recommend a good read on that?

Sep 12, 8:29 PM

Elena (Guest): Through His Sacred Heart!


Ruth (Guest): Sometimes I think it is LITTLE sufferings that are harder to endure than the BIG ones.

Sep 12, 8:31 PM

Simone (Guest): Ruth.. you are spilling over with wisdom tonight. You are probably right. When we are drenched with suffering – it might be easier to surrender to it – than when we are “sprinkled” with suffering

Sep 12, 8:31 PM

Carol (Guest): I must go early tonight–my friend is here. Gave a blessed week!

Sep 12, 8:31 PM

Simone (Guest): Bye Carol. Was great to see you here tonight again

Sep 12, 8:31 PM

Dawn (Guest): goodnight Carol!

Sep 12, 8:31 PM

Elena (Guest): Good night, Carol!

Sep 12, 8:32 PM

Dawn (Guest): the time has gone fast tonight

Sep 12, 8:32 PM

Dawn (Guest): Goodnight to all and thank you. God bless

Sep 12, 8:32 PM

Elena (Guest): drenched with suffering, rather than being sprinkled with it. Like Jesus was.

Sep 12, 8:32 PM

VisitationSiste: Yes blessings for each of you!


Sep 12, 8:32 PM

Simone (Guest): oh my.. I just realized – we are actually done already.

Sep 12, 8:32 PM

Elena (Guest): Good night, Dawn!


Posted in Monastery Events, Ordinary Time, Salesian Spirituality, Vocations | Leave a comment

Daughters of St Francis de Sales Celebrate 25 Years Sat Sept 11 at Mass in Monastery

The Association of St Francis de Sales BROOKLYN CHAPTER will hold Mass at 11AM on September 11th at the Sacred Heart Chapel of Visitation Monastery, celebrating its 25th Anniversary.

You are welcome to attend!

Posted in History, Lent, Monastery Events, Monastery News, Salesian Spirituality, Special Events | Leave a comment

Sunday chat Aug 28

In the opening paragraph, St Francis says: “God’s heavenly goodness does not let you fall into these faults in order to abandon you, but so as to humble you and make you take a firmer and tighter hold on the hand of his mercy.” What does this mean?Are we to take up our arms against the devil all on our own?In connection with the current letter, discuss this quote: “pray as if everything depends on God, work as if everything depends on you” (commonly attributed to St. Ignatius of Loyola).Why is spiritual dryn


Aug 29, 10:43 AM

VisitationSiste: Why is spiritual dryness good for us?
The recipient of this letter tried to remove her “temporal difficulty,” but failed. How do we gain the wisdom to know when to keep trying to overcome some difficulty, and when to give up and accept it?
How can we learn from our past mistakes?
How can we live in peace?

does not let you fall into these faults in order to abandon you, but so as to humble you and make you take a firmer and tighter hold on the hand of his mercy.” What does this mean?Are we to take up our arms against the devil all on our own?


Aug 29, 7:35 PM

Dawn (Guest): and Princess

Aug 29, 7:36 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): I believe homily is the best defense and we have to pray for the grace

Aug 29, 7:36 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): Humility


VisitationSiste: trials bring us closer to God if we reach out to Him


Aug 29, 7:37 PM

Dawn (Guest): I believe it means when we feel we are abandoned but have no other way we will turn to him.

8 PM

Dawn (Guest): you said it more clearly Sr/ thank you

Aug 29, 7:38 PM

VisitationSiste: and I would recommend never fight evil all alone Call on your angel on Mary on Jesus


VisitationSiste: We do not necessarily have the strength to fight alone 9, 7:39 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): Pride thinking we can do it alone is a problem.. gets me into trouble

Aug 29, 7:40 PM

VisitationSiste: Yes and we all have a touch of that in us I think


Share discuss this quote: “pray as if everything depends on God, work as if everything depends on you” PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): Our Lord gives us plenty opportunity to be humble 1 PM

VisitationSiste: Yes probably every day!


discuss this quote: “pray as if everything depends on God, work as if everything depends on you”


Aug 29, 7:42 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): Such peace knowing God is in the consolation and the desolation

Aug 29, 7:43 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): Love that adage

44 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): I keep the faith and keep focused on heaven 29, 7:45 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): Yes and so close to home

Aug 29, 7:45 PM

VisitationSiste: Even depending on God and praying we can also ask for the energy tp wprk as if all depended on us

6 PM

VisitationSiste: sometimes we lose energy and feel we can do nothing


6 online






2 viewers

6 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): Yes all to often 7 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): Thank God for St. Frances de Sales and others who help us see things differently



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2 viewers

48 PM

Dawn (Guest): Yes.

Aug 29, 7:48 PM

VisitationSiste: He is a great saint and truly wise


Dawn (Guest): Sr, do you mean we can lose energy spiritually? sometimes it feels this way

Aug 29, 7:49 PM

VisitationSiste: Yes I think so with despondency or depression


Aug 29, 7:49 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): Is this desolation?

Aug 29, 7:50 PM

VisitationSiste: another word for it with some qualifications perhaps

7:51 PM M

VisitationSiste: q3Why is spiritual dryness good for us?


Aug 29, 7:51 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): To keep us wanting

Aug 29, 7:51 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): It’s when we have less we want more

51 PM

Dawn (Guest): so we do not become attached to faith in God as an emotion :52 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): True Dawn emotions do not tell us the truth

Aug 29, 7:52 PM

VisitationSiste: both are good A nswers to discuss in themselves


VisitationSiste: it keeps us searching, spiritual dryness does PM

VisitationSiste: some people might give up tho with dryness


Aug 29, 7:54 PM

VisitationSiste: St Jane did not


Anna-Marie (Guest): That’s when God speaks to me, it could be through a reading or person… 55 PM

VisitationSiste: wonderful that you can identify it that way


Aug 29, 7:55 PM

Dawn (Guest): she experienced dryness? St Teresa Avila also. here is good example of how the saints help us

7:55 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): St Jane had St Frances as her spiritual director- ought not we look for a spiritual director?

Aug 29, 7:56 PM

VisitationSiste: oh yes about 40 years


Aug 29, 7:56 PM

VisitationSiste: so did St Teresa of Calcutta


Aug 29, 7:56 PM

VisitationSiste: Yes a spirital director helps alot

7 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): I learned that dryness did not mean loss of faith or belief that God is near- just loss of that your understanding?

Aug 29, 7:57 PM

Dawn (Guest): 40 years and yet she became a Saint

Aug 29, 7:58 PM

VisitationSiste: Yes to both of you!


Aug 29, 7:58 PM

Carol (Guest): Dawn!

0 PM

VisitationSiste: q4 The recipient of this letter tried to remove her “temporal difficulty,” but failed. How do we gain the wisdom to know when to keep trying to overcome some difficulty, and when to give up and accept it? 9, 8:00 PM

Dawn (Guest): yes, thank you. still surrounded by fires tho. and yet we are safe. :00 PM

Carol (Guest): We are not getting much word down here about them 1 PM

Carol (Guest): Is it like the thorn that St Paul had?

Aug 29, 8:01 PM

Dawn (Guest): Wisdom gained when you realize apart from him we can do nothing

9, 8:01 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): Surrender to the Will of God… hard to know except peace that comes… PM

VisitationSiste: Yes a thorn or a circumstance


Aug 29, 8:02 PM

VisitationSiste: and yes peace is a good indicator we are on the right track


Dawn (Guest): trials seem to be increasing here 3 PM

Princess (Guest): By living in union with God. Only then can we know His Will in it.

Aug 29, 8:03 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): We will always have thorns because of original sin… need to rely on God like St Paul

03 PM

Carol (Guest): In the section of abandonment to divine providence we just read in formation the author says that learning abandonment brings dome anguish 04 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): So true is that the same as letting go

Aug 29, 8:04 PM

VisitationSiste: yes union with God- a most necessary goal


Anna-Marie (Guest): Good question 6 PM

Carol (Guest): That dying to self will and becoming detached from earthly things is sacrifice and suffering. It is not just given us but learned through difficult situations, through grace

Aug 29, 8:07 PM

Dawn (Guest): thank you for writing this Carol

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3 viewers

8 PM

Carol (Guest): I think you are experiencing more than most Dawn


Carol (Guest): The first step is to detach from them and stop beating ourselves up

Aug 29, 8:12 PM

Dawn (Guest): good question. the obvious is not repeating them. sometimes God allows us to see the sin in ourself. a great grace to see.

How can we learn from our past mistakes?


Aug 29, 8:10 PM

Carol (Guest): The first step is to detach from them and stop beating ourselves up

Aug 29, 8:12 PM

Dawn (Guest): good question. the obvious is not repeating them. sometimes God allows us to see the sin in ourself. a great grace to see.

6 online








VisitationSiste: recognize them as mistakes and take ownership for them and try again


Aug 29, 8:14 PM

Princess (Guest): Trusting that God’s love makes it all work for our good.

Aug 29, 8:14 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): Remembering the consequences

Aug 29, 8:14 PM

VisitationSiste: with the Lords help

:15 PM

VisitationSiste: sometimes we do repeat our mistakes tho :15 PM

Carol (Guest): All of these are the practice of humility

Aug 29, 8:15 PM

Dawn (Guest): yes. and to be able to lovingly make amends to others we have hurt

15 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): The Holy Spirit is working to prompt us when we fall down PM

Princess (Guest): Trusting that God’s love makes it all work for our good. 9, 8:16 PM

Dawn (Guest): and for the good of the other

Aug 29, 8:16 PM

VisitationSiste: that gives encouragement PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of the faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love… 17 PM

Carol (Guest): Remembering that God sees the big picture keeps us from making our problems bigger than they are 18 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): Opportunities to heal or to grow

Aug 29, 8:18 PM

VisitationSiste: yes while we try to improve we dont become agitated

, 8:19 PM

VisitationSiste: last q How can we live in peace? 0 PM

Carol (Guest): By practicing humility, praying always 1 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): Reading Dr. Bob Schuchts book, ‘Be Healed’… sometimes we need more than spiritual help .. we need to heal our wounded places… 22 PM

Dawn (Guest): yes. then the wounded places are where God can enter us

Aug 29, 8:22 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): All with prayer

8:22 PM

Carol (Guest): It is so important we let God in to those broken places 8:23 PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): Yes he can replace our old wounded scripts..and allow us to see ourselves as He sees us… PM

Anna-Marie (Guest): Sister Miriam Highlander and Dr. Bob do many retreats fir seminarians

Aug 29, 8:25 PM

VisitationSiste: what about monasteries?

26 PM

Dawn (Guest): it would be wonderful to live near a convent or monastary. PM

Dawn (Guest): the little parish I went to burned down.

Aug 29, 8:26 PM

VisitationSiste: So sad where will you go

8:27 PM

Carol (Guest): It can be rebuilt? Along with the rest of tcity

27 PM :29 PM

VisitationSiste: we continue to pray for all affected


Aug 29, 8:29 PM

Dawn (Guest): it was a very small town. a historical town. Not sure if they will rebuild. but farther from there also is another parish with the same priest.


Dawn (Guest): there is another parish, farther but do-able when all the roads open.


Posted in Monastery Events, Ordinary Time, Salesian Spirituality, Vocations | Leave a comment

Sunday chat August 22

  1. St. Francis mentions two kinds of spiritual coldness: that which is caused by a slackening of good resolutions, and that which is due to simply weariness and heaviness. Can the second type lead to the first? How?
  2. What can we do to help ourselves not slip into a time of spiritual coldness? Or help ourselves out of it?
  3. How can we help/reach out to someone who has a “cold heart”?
  4. Why is it OK that God allows us to go through times like this without consolation? Does that seem unfair?
  5. St. Francis talks about the woman’s “feast day,” which no doubt is the feast day of the saint after whom she was named. Can we expect to have a special relationship with our patron saint? Should we ask for and expect, special graces by way of that saint on his or her feast day?
  6. What does it mean to be a servant of God?
  7. Carroll V (Guest): I am well… COVID is spreading like crazy among patients and staff, so I have been working every weekend… grateful to be well and available to be of service
  8. Aug 22, 7:31 PM
  9. VisitationSiste: Are they not protected?
  10. Aug 22, 7:31 PM
  11. VisitationSiste: and I hope you are wearing a mask too. But it is very hard I have a friend with it now
  12. Aug 22, 7:32 PM
  13. VisitationSiste: first q: 1. St. Francis mentions two kinds of spiritual coldness: that which is caused by a slackening of good resolutions, and that which is due to simply weariness and heaviness. Can the second type lead to the first? How?
  14. Aug 22, 7:33 PM
  15. Carroll V (Guest): Some are and some aren’t… We do wear N95 mask and face shield at all times in the facility, as well as gown and gloves in rooms of patients who are in isolation.
  16. Aug 22, 7:34 PM
  17. VisitationSiste: That’s very good!
  18. Aug 22, 7:37 PM
  20. Aug 22, 7:38 PM
  21. VisitationSiste: slackening
  22. Aug 22, 7:38 PM
  23. VisitationSiste: and it is spiritually dangerous
  24. Aug 22, 7:38 PM
  25. Carroll V (Guest): I have certainly been living that out myself.
  26. Aug 22, 7:39 PM
  27. Carroll V (Guest): …and physical isolation creates added challenges
  28. Aug 22, 7:41 PM
  29. VisitationSiste: overwork too
  30. Aug 22, 7:41 PM
  31. VisitationSiste: a way to avoid it is internal and frequent prayer
  32. Aug 22, 7:41 PM
  33. VisitationSiste: and aspirations
  34. Aug 22, 7:43 PM
  35. Carroll V (Guest): When I was teaching religious ed. and working in the Sacristy it was easier to “pick myself up”… just passing by the chapel, Our Lord would ” reach out and grab” my heart… and YES, now I am more reliant on “touch stones” at home that are reminders and bring me back to prayer throughout the day.
  36. Aug 22, 7:44 PM
  37. VisitationSiste: That’s a good witness for us all!
  38. Aug 22, 7:44 PM
  39. VisitationSiste: 3. How can we help/reach out to someone who has a “cold heart”?
  40. Aug 22, 7:46 PM
  41. Carroll V (Guest): Gently listening… and sharing
  42. Aug 22, 7:47 PM
  43. Carroll V (Guest): …sometimes sharing little “treasures,” like a prayer card, for example… that might become a sort of ” touch stone” for them.
  44. Aug 22, 7:48 PM
  45. VisitationSiste: Yes warming their heart with little touches and glimpses of care or concern
  46. Aug 22, 7:48 PM
  47. Carroll V (Guest): … or sometimes sharing a little piece of my own experience…
  48. Aug 22, 7:49 PM
  49. Carol (Guest): Hello!
  50. Aug 22, 7:49 PM
  51. Carroll V (Guest): Hi Carol!
  52. , 7:51 PM 4. Why is it OK that God allows us to go through times like this without consolation?
  53. Carol (Guest): He wants to teach us to rely only on Him
  54. Aug 22, 7:51 PM
  55. VisitationSiste: Conolations are not everything- faith is
  56. PM

Carroll V (Guest): This is how we practice fidelity. 7:53 PM

VisitationSiste: Fidelity is a concept ery misunderstood these days


Aug 22, 7:53 PM

Carol (Guest): It is like in the Cloud of unknowing–He is always there but sometimes it is better for us not to see


VisitationSiste: Great book!


Aug 22, 7:54 PM

Carroll V (Guest): I don’t know that one- I’ll look it up.

Aug 22, 7:55 PM

VisitationSiste: Yes it is one that eally touches the soul


Aug 22, 7:55 PM

VisitationSiste: 5. St. Francis talks about the woman’s “feast day,” which no doubt is the feast day of the saint after whom she was named. Can we expect to have a special relationship with our patron saint? Should we ask for and expect, special graces by way of that saint on his or her feast day?


Carol (Guest): I think we should. Sometimes our given name is not for a Saint, but our confirmation name always is. We should be choosing the person who conquered our weakness and ask for help

Aug 22, 7:56 PM

VisitationSiste: I was just thinking about this today

:58 PM

Carol (Guest): I should connect more. Mine won a great battle through prayer–Genevieve

Aug 22, 7:59 PM

Carroll V (Guest): I’m not sure about ” expecting,” in the sense of feeling entitled in any way, but we can certainly cultivatea relationship with patron ( and other) Saints and be open to signs/ assistance/blessings

1 PM

Carroll V (Guest): I like your suggedtion, Carol, of adking one who has conquered our particular weakness for help

Aug 22, 8:02 PM

Carroll V (Guest): ( not good at typing on my phone)

Aug 22, 8:02 PM

Carol (Guest): Whatever we are facing, someone in heaven has beaten it


Carroll V (Guest): Absolutely!

Aug 22, 8:03 PM

VisitationSiste: We shouls ask for special graces on their Feast Day and every Feast!


Aug 22, 8:04 PM

Carol (Guest): It is also encouraging to think about the va

number of saints akeasybin heaven. It is possible!

Aug 22, 8:05 PM

Carroll V (Guest): I’m glad to know that wouldn’t be considered ” self-centered.” I question myself sometimes about whether it’s o.k. for me to ask for grace for myself.

What does it mean to be a servant of God?


Aug 22, 8:09 PM

Carroll V (Guest): To renounce our own will and abandon ourselves to His Providence as we strive to make ourselves useful to others

Aug 22, 8:09 PM

Carol (Guest): We do not belong to ourselves. We belong to God. We were created for a specific purpose and we will not be happy unless that’s what we are doing

To be a creature is to be a servant in a way


Aug 22, 8:11 PM

VisitationSiste: Then also servants of God are also those on the way to beatification


Aug 22, 8:13 PM

Carol (Guest): We did not create ourselves. Just as a work of art belongs to the artist who created it, we belong to God. We do have free will and sometimes we get so caught up in that that we forget we are not in control

Aug 22, 8:13 PM

Carroll V (Guest): Nice analogy, Carol

2, 8:14 PM

Carol (Guest): Except Jesus doesn’t sell us the way an artist sells his work. We sold ourselves to sin and He boughtvus backPM

Carroll V (Guest): I think in this particular letter, Holy Father was also referring to the importance of accepting our weaknesses and ” starting again” …and again… and again… as a means of being a servant of God.

Aug 22, 8:18 PM

VisitationSiste: All the saints were servants of God each in his or her own way and inspired by the Spirit


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Carroll V

2 vi


Carroll V (Guest): I think in this particular letter, Holy Father was also referring to the importance of accepting our weaknesses and ” starting again” …and again… and again… as a means of being a servant of God.

Aug 22, 8:18 PM

VisitationSiste: All the saints were servants of God each in his or her own way and inspired by the Spirit


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Aug 22, 8:19 PM

VisitationSiste: The courage needed to always start over!


Aug 22, 8:20 PM

Carol (Guest): Yes, because when you make the same mistake for the ninety-millionth time…

Aug 22, 8:20 PM

VisitationSiste: I also like the idea of being that “child servant” of God, not taking all in our own hands but depending on Him in our service

21 PM

Carroll V (Guest): … and the gift and grace of Reconciliation to enable us to do so! PM

Carroll V (Guest): ” child servant” of God- I like that.

Aug 22, 8:23 PM

VisitationSiste: I was thinking of St Therese and her little way

23 PM

Carol (Guest): We accept everything from God’s hand as a child, a like a child, we obey without question2, 8:24 PM

Carol (Guest): Well, most of the time! 25 PM

Carol (Guest): Thinking that children obey their parents without self will–that come later:25 PM

VisitationSiste: Sometimes even toddlers or infants have that gleam of mischievousness in their eyes26 PM

  1. VisitationSiste: innocence though!
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Visitation Monastery Resumes Daily Public Mass Starting July 5 2021

Thank you for your patience!

Mass times are:

Mon, Wed, Thurs,  8:15AM

Tues, Sat 8AM

Fri- varies, please call the evening before, usually  930AM or 10AM but not always

First Fridays of the month are at 8AM.



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New Postulant

On Divine Mercy Sunday we welcomed a new postulant into our community. Please pray for her!

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