Sister to pronounce Solemn Vows in Annecy

The Diocesan newsletter from Annecy France made the following announcement:

Vie consacrée
Profession solennelle­Soeur Sylvie-Marie Guerrón sera admise à la profession solennelle le 7 septembre à 14h30, au cours d’une messe célébrée par Mgr Le Saux, en la basilique de la Visitation. Elle “fera l’offrande de toute sa vie à jamais, dans l’Ordre de la Visitation“. Réjouissons-nous et prions pour elle et la communauté !

Consecrated Life

Solemn Profession

Sister Sylvie-Marie Guerrón will be admitted to solemn profession on September 7 at 2:30 p.m., during a Mass celebrated by Bishop Le Saux, in the Basilica of the Visitation. She “will make the offering of her entire life forever, in the Order of the Visitation.” Let us rejoice and pray for her and the community!


Sister Sylvie-Marie crowning Blessed Mother in Brooklyn Visitation

before her transferring to Annecy.

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